Friday, July 31, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life is Comedy

I had an accident today at work. It involved a large blade and several fingers being sliced. My right index finger is missing a chunk. It's become apparent that the store dog, a Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix....ate the missing chunk.

I can barely type right now.

Life is hilarious!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saudi Family to Sue Genie

This will be short and sweet. A Saudi family moved out of their home of 15 years due to their belief they were harassed by a Genie. They have even gone one step further and filed a court motion with intent to sue said Genie.

Read more here


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Tropics Can Get Fucked

The tropical regions of the planet are known for their sunny skies, warm weather, sandy beaches, and palm trees. What they DON'T tell you about on those vacation commercials are BOT FLIES!!

I think we should nuke the tropics.
