Friday, November 7, 2008

Alex Chiu


Today we are going to look at another man who claims he is going to save the world. I present to you the one, the only, Alex Chiu!

Mr. Chiu lives in San Francisco which is in itself a breeding ground for kooks. Alex, like any other great kook, has some extravagant ideas that have absolutely no basis whatsoever in science.

These include...

-Immortality rings: Rings that look like big ugly bolts. When one wears these on their fingers they will then be granted immortality!
-Curing the crippled through the use of magnets (which he now admits failed)
-A schematic for a teleportation machine that has absolutely no detail on exactly how it would break down a solid mass into an electrical signal to transmit over the airwaves to be re-constructed out of nothingness (wheeeeze)
-A medicine that when taken daily in conjunction with immortality rings will alter appearances and make the user "even more gorgeous than supermodels". He also claims it will cure AIDs, handicaps, cancer, tumors, and HERPES! (Former herpes cure can be found here.)
-How to build a UFO. Includes some wonderful drawings that remind me of being 8 years old again...
-Raising the dead

Etc. Etc.

I recommend going through his site yourself. I strongly believe that it speaks for itself.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Home for the Fraud

Hello dearest readers,

I've been taken under Lauras wing and become a writer over at It looks like it's going to be a hoot!!

She's always had some great Brad and 10-14 news as well as a lot of other cool stuff.



Monday, November 3, 2008

10-14-08 Fraud Blog Closure

Hopefully some of the readers made it over here. I wish Terra would have given me some kind of warning that she decided on the spur of the moment to close the Blog. I'm a little peeved about the whole thing to tell you the truth. Seems a bit coincidental as we were really delving into who Brad really was.


Anyhow, it wasn't me and I still don't have an answer as to why.

I'm going to implement the Blog over here to Kooky Earth and hopefully focus on some of the other kooks on this planet.

